October 2020 - December 2020
The project brief for this case study came from DesignLab’s UX Academy program.
Research, Interaction Design, Testing


Mirror is a fictional clothing store chain with a goal of making clothing that feels accessible to everyone. Aligning with that goal, they provide affordable clothing that encompasses a wide variety of styles to both kids and adults. While they have found success offline in their brick-and-mortar stores, they are only starting to dip their toes into the opportunities of E-commerce.


Mirror wants their responsive website to support their existing in-store experience while also encouraging online orders. In that pursuit, their E-commerce platform should:

  • instill confidence in users that the clothes they order online with match their expectations
  • find an efficient way for users to sift through their wide-ranging selection of clothing



My final deliverables for this case study were high-fidelity mockups in desktop and mobile for the following pages: Homepage, Product Listings Page (PLP), Product Display Page (PDP), Cart, Checkout.

Measuring design performance

Since these mockups were not developed, I considered usability testing as my main metric of success/performance; when I asked 3 participants to undergo the task of finding and purchasing a red sweater using the desktop prototype, they were all able to complete it without any help from my end.

Would-Be Metrics

If this design were actually developed, I would like to see how Mirror's customers change their shopping behavior. For instance, have existing customers ordered more clothes overall with the full-inventory available online? What chunk of their orders is now placed online instead of in-store? How have the stats on clothes returns changed?



I framed my research goals to learn about the following:

  • Why do customers choose to shop for clothes online instead of in-store?
  • What aspects of online shopping do customers like and dislike?
  • How can an online shopping experience support a customer’s in-store shopping experience?


After doing a round of competitive analysis to get a better grasp on common E-commerce practices, I conducted five user interviews, which revealed the following user needs:

  • A layout that is suited for both browsing around and scanning for specific items
  • Sorting and filtering that help users to sift through clothing options
  • Accurate representations of products so users have clear expectations of what they are buying
  • A thorough Ratings and Reviews section since users heavily trust the feedback of other customers

From those findings, I created a persona to encapsulate the main user group that Mirror’s website would be designed for.

Main persona for Mirror’s website design


After building a sitemap, I created a task flow and user flow as a launching point for designing wireframes.

Task flow of purchasing a product


These wireframes pages outline what’s involved in the task flow. The tablet and mobile versions are excluded here for brevity; however, the final designs for mobile are presented at the end.

(Click on an image to expand it)







The following section outlines my reasoning for certain design decisions.

Image Section (PDP)

The image section was structured, as standard, like a carousel. I placed the image thumbnails below the primary image to save more horizontal space for the product info and selection options.

Color and Size Selection (PDP)

For the color and size selection controls, I used segmented buttons as an alternative to dropdowns.

Vertical Sidebar (PLP)

I placed the filters vertically instead of horizontally to provide more potential space. Since Mirror has an extensive selection of clothing, having enough filters will be important for users to fine-tune what they’re looking for.

Ratings and Reviews (PDP)

The Ratings section has an “Overall Rating” area for an at-a-glance evaluation as well as a “Customer Feedback” area for more-specific feedback on fit, length, comfort, and quality (the metrics that interview participants cared most about for online clothes that they cannot feel or try-on).

Since interview participants relied on images in which the clothes are worn by a person (rather than clothes on their own), I included a photo gallery section to showcase the images provided by customers in their reviews.

Supporting the In-Store Experience

Because Mirror has found a lot of success offline, I wanted the website to encourage customers to pick up orders so that they have the in-store experience.

Option to switch from shipping to pickup at both the PDP and the cart page

“Pick up” toggle placed above items (rather than with other filters) for higher visibility

Ability to check out both shipped and pickup items within the same order








I felt that having arrows that point in both directions represented Mirror’s message – having wide-ranging styles that are accessible to everyone. The arrows also appear as a reflection, fitting with the name, Mirror.

Mirror logo on different colored backgrounds


I chose teal for the brand color since it’s neutral yet modern and fresh. Maroon was picked as an accent color because it balanced out the teal. My hope was for the colors to feel approachable and inviting without distracting from the clothes.

Mirror Color Palette


The sans-serif typefaces, Spartan and Lato, were picked because they felt clean and non-obtrusive.

Mirror Typography Choices

Usability Testing


For my usability testing, I asked three participants to go through the task of finding and purchasing a sweater in the high-fidelity prototype I made in Figma. As they completed the task, I asked them to think out loud so I could evaluate if any parts of the design created a mismatch with user expectations.


The participants successfully filtered through the clothing selections to find a sweater (with specifications of color = red and size = medium) and navigated through the checkout flow to purchase that sweater. I noticed some design changes to be made as they went through the PLP page.

Stumbling points

Not Noticing the “Photos from Reviews” Element

A glaring issue was that some participants did not notice the photo gallery feature in the Reviews section because it was placed at the bottom, and those participants did not read through the reviews that preceded it. I moved the feature higher up on the page so that it is visible before the customer reviews.

Review photo gallery moved up higher to be more prominent
Struggling to Find the “Details and Materials” Section

A participant struggled to find the “Details and Materials” section, so I decided to move it below the product image (rather than in a collapsed accordion next to the image) to fit better with convention.

Moving Forward

Overall, the 3 participants were able to complete the task without any help from my end. After making improvements to address the issues above, I moved onto polishing the final UX/UI designs that are shown below.

UX/UI Designs

desktop design

(Click on an image to expand it)






mobile design

(Click on an image to expand it)






mobile design

(Pages within the phone are scrollable)
















food for thought

How did the problem translate into final designs?

Make it easy for users to order clothes for both shipping and in-store pickup:

Mirror wanted to provide consumers with the convenience and full-inventory selection that online shopping offers; however, they still wanted to encourage people to shop in-store because that is the channel that they’ve established success in. Throughout the designs, I tried to promote ordering clothes for both shipping and in-store pickup — users can even purchase clothes for both types within the same order.

Giving users an accurate impression of the clothing:

Since images are helpful tools for representing how clothing looks, I included a photo gallery section on the PDP for customers to submit pictures that show the clothing worn by real people. The rating system also shows how other customers feel about the fit, length, comfort, and quality so that users can better understand what to expect. If I had more time, I would look into incorporating video so users can see what the clothing looks like from all orientations and how the material moves.

Helping users to quickly find what they are looking for through navigation and filters

I tried to organize Mirror’s inventory into clear tiers and categories within the navigation so that users would know directly where to look for a given item. On a PLP, users can navigate between categories without having to revisit the navigation menu. PLP’s also have a range of filters for further funneling down items for what a user wants.

Next Project: Mala Hotpot >>